mollies' design inspiration comes from fashion and art. We strive for a unique attitude and are not afraid to challenge societal norms, creating value for people.

The Pisces DNA brings freedom, belonging, and companionship between the spirit and desire. Through observation and imagination, we are dedicated to designing exceptional products that enhance people's quality of life, reflecting the ideology behind mollies' values and providing solutions, and meeting the needs of our fans and customers.

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AirPods 保護套,精準貼合保護你的AirPods免於損傷。 


可隨心搭配手機殼的掛繩背帶,不侷限任何型號 保有科技配件的穿搭時尚,同時享受解放雙手,帶來的機能便利性 全新背帶款式,結合上超薄的夾片設計,能輕鬆滿足生活中的手機充電 不論誰都能體驗如此便利的日常 
